Post Natal Care
Welcome to the Mama Plan, where it's never too late to start feeling like you again.
All Mama's need to move, bend, walk, squat and rock so we provide post natal clinical care to get you back to being and feeling like you again. We provide functional exercise plans in a safe and controlled manor one step at a time, to make it easy to fit into your new lifestyle.
10 weeks post partum
" I'm feeling a little more myself every week with the exercise plan"
5 months post partum
"Thank you, I’m feeling really motivated to reach my fitness goals because of you”
2 years post partum
"No matter what I do now, I feel more aware about my pelvic floor and back posture"
Exercising Post Partum
Sports therapy, through a combination of manual therapies, specific treatments (such as pelvic floor muscle training), and therapeutic exercise, can improve health outcomes for new mothers in the postnatal period.
Sports therapy and exercise rehabilitation interventions may help with the following:
Improve mood
Improve cardiorespiratory fitness
Promote weight loss
Reduce the risk of postpartum depression and anxiety
Enhance psychological well‐being
Improve sexual health
Lead to better outcomes assessing quality of life.
After pregnancy, many women experience weakness in their abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, which can lead to various health issues. These conditions should not be ignored, as they can cause pain and dysfunction. It's recommended to have an initial assessment at 6-8 weeks postnatal, but we also treat women who gave birth years ago and still have related issues. Our team is here to help you regain your core strength and improve your overall health.
Let's get you back on track...
The Post Natal Care you Deserve
Initial Assessment:
Full postural screen.
Pelvic floor muscle assessment.
Abdominal muscle exam
Screening for bladder or bowel dysfunction.
Follow Up:
Education and advice on safe activities such as how to hold, lift, & carry your baby
Bespoke rehabilitation programme with your goals in mind.
A report of the findings of your assessment.